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Sri Kandaswamy Temple or foundly known as Scott Road Temple that is located at Jalan Scott (now remapped to Jalan Tebing)  is a Saivite-style temple that has been gracing Malaysia since 1902. Sri Kandaswamy Kovil stands tall in the city of Kuala Lumpur with its lofty towers, elegant vimanas bearing golden domes, well decorated halls, graceful and majestic pillars, mind inspiring architecture and sculptural works to instill devotion in one’s mind.

Lord Shiva & Parvathi at the Skandapuskarani

The Residing Deity, Sri Shakthi Vel Perumaan, has been gracing devotees for over a century. Together with Sri Shakthi Vel Perumaan, Lord Shamugar has been worshipped in Sri Kandaswamy Kovil for over 90 years (ceremoniously enshired on 28th June 1928).


Other deities installed at Sri Kandaswamy Kovil are Idampuri Vinayahar, Sri Raajaarajeswari, Navakkirahams (9 planets), Sri Saneeswarar, Sri Vairavar, Sri Sandeswarar and the Samaya Kuravar (the 4 chief Saivite saints). In the Vasantha Mandapam sit three Utchava moorthis: Sri Muthukumaraswamy and his consorts, Sri Utchava Vinayahar and Sri Utchava Vel Perumaan.

Among the notable features in Sri Kandaswamy Kovil are the tall golden Kodimaram, the Vasantha Mandapam, the Yagasalai Peedam and its two ponds. The temple's sacred pond is called Skandapuspakarani. A sacred Kadambam tree and a sacred garden with the pond, Saravanapoikai, also adds on to the charm of the temple compound; two pairs of peacocks enhance the beauty and popularity of the garden.

Its uniqueness, however, extends beyond its physical structure. Sri Kandaswamy Kovil is hailed as one of the first temples in Malaysia to have celebrated the Soora Samhara festival and one of two temples in Malaysia to celebrate the Kathirgama Kodiyetram festival.

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Our Philosophy



Sri Kandaswamy Kovil is a Hindu temple of the Saivite tradition. In Saivism, Lord Siva is hailed as the Supreme Being, while other Gods are also worshipped. According to Puranas, Lord Siva Himself manifested himself as Lord Shanmugar adding the sixth face, Adhomuham (the face inclined downward), to His five faces for the purpose of wiping off the sorrow of the Devas. Lord Shanmugar is none other than the Supreme Being itself.





The 3 pillars of Hinduism is the house of worship (Temple), the spiritual guide (Satguru) and the scriptures (Vedas and Agamaa). The Vedas and Agamas are the primary source and supreme authority for ritual, philosophy and temple construction. The Agama,”Kumara Tantiram” is strictly followed for the rituals performed in the temple, and for erection of the temple as well.




The earliest forms of worship of man were symbols; amongst them was the Linga, the Vel (Spear) and the Thrisul (Trident). Vel which is the emblem of spiritual wisdom is capable of bestowing grace on the soul and saving them from the miseries of the challenging world. Lord Shanmugar manifests Himself as Sri Shakthi Vel Peruman, who embodies the attribute ‘One whose knowledge is deep, broad and sharp’, in Sri Kandaswamy Kovil and reigns gracefully.





Sivasri Sabaratna Parameswara Kurukkal



Priests at Saivite temples are typically Saivite Brahmins of the Adisaiva priest lineage who conduct rites in Agamic Siva temples. The first priest of Sri Kandaswamy Kovil was Sivasri R. Somaskanda Kurukkal. He was well known for his steadfast devotion to Lord Shanmugar that even during the air raids by the Japanese military during the early part World War 2 and later by the B.29 bombers of the Allied forces, the priest would continue with the daily poojas. Somaskanda Kurukkal was succeeded by Sivasri Kamatchi Sundareswara Kurukkal.

For the last four decades, Sivasri Sabaratna Parameswara Kurukkal has been the Chief Priest of Sri Kandaswamy Kovil.




The age old philosophy of pluralistic theism expounded by Saint Meikandar (ca 1250 ad) called Saiva Siddhantha is followed by those in Sri Kandaswamy Kovil. Saint Meikandar explains Saiva Siddhantha philosophy which states that there are 3 eternal entities, namely, Pati (The Lord), Pasu (the soul) and Paasam (bondage) , and explains that bondage of the soul to material things prevent it from knowing its own nature and God.



The idea of this temple was first mooted on 24th December 1890 when fifty of our then leaders met at the residence of  Mr. V. Sinappah who was the Acting Traffic Inspector of Selangor Government Railway and a very influential member of the Ceylon Tamil community. They were eager to have a temple in order to practice and observe the Saiva Siddhantha Tenets and religious observances such as “Viratham” (fasting), “Thithis” (commemoration rituals), “Punniyaahavaasam” (purification ceremony), “Skantha Sashti” and so on. The matter was discussed and a decision was made to purchase an appropriate piece of land for that purpose.

A very large percentage of the small Ceylon Tamil community of Kuala Lumpur lived in the Government Quarters at Scott Road. It was for this reason that a piece of land comprising two lots was acquired within the neighbourhood of the Quarters to build a Temple and Hall. The locality was for some years known as “Sinna Yalpanam” or “Little Jaffna”.

Thus, Sri Kandaswamy Kovil was inaugurated in 1902 with the installation of the “VEL” by His Holiness Sri Murugaswamy, an eminent Saivite. The small temple had a wall around it and a Gopuram. The first Maha Kumba Abishegam was held on 9th February 1909.

The Temple was administrated by the Selangor Ceylon Tamils’ Association. On 6th August, 1927 the late Mr. R. N. Thambythurai, President of the Selangor Ceylon Tamils’ Association initiated the formation of the Ceylon Saivite Association at an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting. The Selangor Ceylon Saivite Association was officially registered and gazetted (vide of F.M.S. Govt. Gazette Notification No.3144 of 26th May 1928) which by then had a membership of 221. Today the association is known as the Malaysian Ceylon Saivites Association (MCSA).


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